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  • 35 g - 575 g



  • €5.00 - €60.00

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Traditional spinning tops are generaly made of wood and metal, and are mainly used for top fighting.

This section shows whip tops and traditional tops in the cultural meaning: peg tops still played today in some countries or in traditional feasts where people still use this antic skilltoy.

This game has been played during thousands of years all over the world, indeed, there is no country that didn't play tops once.

Detailed rules differ from a country to another, or even from a region to another, but the main goal is basicaly to eject opponent's tops from the game arena, by throwing your's (you top has to spin on it's tip).
Traditional spintops


  • Japonaises

    Traditional and tricks Japanese spinning tops.

    Different tops for different use: koma are made for tricks or precision throws, Chonkakegoma will be more like diabolo playing and Beigomas are designed to fight!

  • Fight tops

    This kind of tops are used for playing tops fights, one of the most ancient spintop game!

    Rules differ from a country to another, but the goal is generaly to knock the opponent's topsusing yours.

  • Whip tops

    These tops are regenerated by whipping the spinning top.

    It's, for example, a traditional spintop in many Chinese regions.

  • Target

    Spintop targeting is a well known discipline by spintop players, you need to spin your top in a defined target, thiese targets differ from a country to another, or simply depends on the tops you play with.

    By reducing the size of the target from a wild one meter diameter circle to a bottle cap, by elevating the target, by placing obstacles or even mixing all these added difficulties.

    Challenges available in our "Spintricks awards" section, including tests for your targeting skills.

    Generaly made of traditional materials such as wood and metal, target spintops are, for example, a important part of every one's life in Taïwan.

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